Main purpose
Open up to everybody the possibility to experience the wisdom of Chinese traditional culture, so that people can lead a healthy and placid life.
Practical application
Immersion in the way of thinking in Chinese traditional culture through studying and practicing Taijiquan and Qigong.
He (和) Harmony
Harmony, serenity, balance, adaptation, easiness, all this words refer to a harmonious entirety between human, nature and society.
Qi 气
We differentiate between two aspects of Qi – internal and external. The significance of the external Qi derives from being the fundamental substance that constitutes the cosmos; the internal Qi refers to the Qi of respiration as well as to the original Qi.
It is the most fundamental substance that constitutes the human body and maintains human life activity. Everything in the cosmos comes into being due to the changing motion of Qi. This proves, that the concept of Qi embraces everything, thus it fosters nature and human society.
Our He Qi Training program will use more than one method allowing our organism and the society as well as nature to become more harmonious, serene and at ease; enable everything to function in an orderly way.
Which methods do we apply to achieve this?
China is an ancient civilization with a long history. Chinese traditional culture has 5000 years of cultural heritage.. During this period a lot of outstanding helpful ways in health care, methods to prevent and recover from disease were discovered.
At the same time, through the inspiration from these methods, emerged also a good knowledge about human life and nature.
Chinese traditional culture, Qigong and Taijiquan enable people to acquire a more harmonious and serene understanding of the world and themselves; hence offer the necessary requirement that every part of our internal organs can function in an orderly and normal environment.
According to Chinese traditional medicine the Zang and Fu organs are an interconnected system, so that all parts work in coordination as an integral unity. If a problem for one part arises, than a problem of the whole system will arise, consequently the health of the whole body will reflect this problem.
The study of Tajiquan and Qigong devotes particular care to the coordination of the whole body as an unity, one part moves, everything moves, one part is quiet everything is quiet. One can see that the guiding principles of Taijiquan and Qigong and the theory of Chinese traditional medicine are identical.
What is Taiji?
Taiji is a domain of ancient Chinese philosophy explaining the concept of the world's origin. The term Taiji stems from “ Zhuangzi” ( Chinese Philosopher 370 BC-287 BC), tai means great, ji means the highest, the utmost point; or the Supreme Ultimate, from there things evolve, continue to transform and change, therefore Taiji is the source of all continuous changes and encapsulates the principle of the existence of all things. Taiji divides into yinyang ( two aspects, heaven and earth ) ,
“The Tao is yinyang” “ 一阴一阳谓之道“.
Taijiquan is an inner martial art which uses the yinyang theory as a guiding principle. The practice of Taijiquan stress the importance of the coordination of the body itself and also emphasize coordination of mind and body as an integrated whole. A large part of Taijiquan practice is devoted to the coordination of ones awareness and state of mind. At the same time emphasis is put also on harmony between people, people and natural environment as a whole unity. Taijiquan practice, because of its extensiveness and deepness, needs questioning our continuous experience and understanding.
What is Qigong?
There are many similarities between Qigong and Taijiquan. Qigong puts the emphasize on coordinating body, breath and mind as a unity, namely regulation of the three: regulating the body, regulating the breath and regulating the mind.
Our main purpose is to facilitate the possibility that people may live in a harmonious, balanced and orderly society through the training of Taijiquan and Qigong. From the perspective of people themselves, only in an orderly and harmonious environment can the human body be healthy and be without illness.