Taijiquan - Workshops in Berlin 30/31 March and 6/7 April 2019


May 2017 Taijiquan Wu-Style Symposium in Beidaihe

In Beidaihe on April 22, the first official event took place in honor of Li Jingwu, the most prominent representative in the 20th century of Taijiquan "Jing Wu Taijiquan". In May followed a Taijiquan Wu Style Symposium.

Taijiquan Master from all over China took part in this national symposium from 17th to 19th of May. There were more than 200 outstanding representatives of different branches of the Taijiquan Wu Style, to discuss various topics such as: the continuation of the Taijiquan tradition, the particular importance of the Taijiquan Wu Style, the importance for the further development of today's Taijiquan culture, the research results of the last 10 years, and much more.

Seminars and simultaneous demonstrations dealt with the essential principles, basic methods, and exercise requirements and health aspects of the Taijiquan Wu Style.

Afterwards, from the 20th to the 21st of May, different Taijiquan competitions and Taijiquan presentations took place.

Li Pengcheng won both the Taijiquan Wu-style contest as well as the Taiquan Wu-style sword competition.



April 2017: 2 videos:

Taijiquan Yang Style 24 Form video here

Neiyanggong 易筋行气法 1- 6 video here


Mars 2017: A new website: www.heqi.online

The Essence of Taijiquan

Interesting Chineses articles translated into English



2016 Beidaihe internatinales Symposium für Medizinisches Qi Gong und Gesundheitsvorsorge

60 Jahre Hebei Medical Qigong Hospital in Beidaihe



Medical Qi Gong is an important part of the traditional Chinese medicine and health care methods unique to China.

For some thousands years its medical theory and practice has been continuously improved. This very simple and easy to use method for healing diseases has got a wide recognition and has now spread to the rest of the world.

In order to develop the traditional Chinese medicine further, to strengthen the international academic exchange of research concerning medical Qi Gong , to improve the medical standards and to broaden the field of Qi Gong science, so that the medical Qi Gong can better serve the cause of human health,

Hebei Medical Qigong Hospital in Beidaihe organized from the 11th to 13th of July 2016 an international Symposium.





Taijiquan in Beidaihe